Category Archives: News

San Bernardino Court Closures and Limited Hours

In response to the continuing public safety challenges presented by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and state and federal recommendations on self-isolation and social distancing, the San Bernardino Superior Court (SBSC) announces temporary court closures throughout the County effective Tuesday, March 17 through Thursday, April 2, 2020 as listed in the chart on this Court Notice….

[REVISED] LASC: Civil Complex eFiling Pushed Back Again

The Court has once again pushed back the date for Mandatory eFiling for Civil Complex to January 1st, 2020.    There is only a mandatory phase for eFiling Complex Civil documents. Prior to implementation of this mandatory phase, documents may be presented for filing at the clerk’s office. Attorneys must eFile documents as of the…

LASC Civil Limited Permissive eFiling Live

LASC-Civil Limited eFiling is Permissive as of today, Tuesday, November 13th and will become Mandatory on Monday, December 3rd. This is subject to changes made by the court. During the Permissive phase, physical filings picked up on route will still be filed, as usual, under the Retainer Coverage. We are live for eFiling with the court Today, November 13th, and encourage all…

LASC – Civil: Implementing New Case Management System

This weekend, the Los Angeles Superior Court will transition to a new case management system for unlimited civil. The new system will provide efficiencies for staff and enhance the Court’s ability to maintain complete and easily accessible records. Additionally, the new technology will enable parties to file civil documents electronically in the near future. As…

LASC to Implement Civil eFiling

The Los Angeles Superior Court will soon begin implementing electronic filing (efiling) of all documents filed in the Civil Division. To facilitate the transition, the Civil Division will accept electronic filings as of the voluntary dates shown below for each civil category, beginning one month prior to the implementation of mandatory efiling. During the voluntary…

LASC: Whittier Courthouse Re-Opens

On May 21, 2018, the Whittier Courthouse will resume operations as a family law courthouse. All family law cases previously handled at the Norwalk Courthouse will be transferred to the Whittier location, 7339 S. Painter Ave., Whittier, 90602. Family law matters include: dissolution (divorce), legal separation, and nullity (annulment) cases as well as child custody,…

LASC: Central – Change in Judicial Assignments

As the result of judicial reassignments to the new Spring Street Courthouse, the civil, family law and probate divisions at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse, located at 111 N. Hill St., Los Angeles, are moving some bench officers to different courtrooms and adding new courtrooms to each of these areas of litigation. New department designations, effective…

LASC: CCW Moving – Judicial Assignments/Contact Info

The Los Angeles Superior Court (LASC) has announced that the complex civil litigation program located at Central Civil West (CCW) Courthouse and some civil courtrooms at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse will relocate to the historic Spring Street Federal Courthouse, located at 312 N. Spring St., Los Angeles, in mid-April, with hearings set to begin April…

LA County Recorder-New Submission Policies

In order to serve ALL of our counter customers in the most fair and efficient method, effective Monday, April 16, 2018 the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk’s Norwalk office will be making the following changes to the acceptance of documents for recording and/or filing over the counter: In Document Analysis and Recording all Courier and bulk windows will…

OC Family Law eFiling (Exception List)

Orange County Superior Court is transitioning all of their divisions into the electronic filing age. The Family Law Division will begin to require electronic filing on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018. The permissive phase for this transition will commence on Monday, December 4th, 2017. Your ordering capabilities will not be affected; you will be able to…